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How to Write the Best Amazon Titles for Your Products

Writer: Adrian GonzalezAdrian Gonzalez

Amazon is a competitive marketplace. Businesses are battling for the attention of customers and it might seem impossible to make your mark. But there’s one way to deliver a clear message to your customers that will make your products irresistible to them… Titles!

Writing great Amazon titles for your products is one of the best way to optimize your Amazon product listings. Customers are browsing the platform, looking for the product that will best fit their needs. Titles are like headlines, they need to catch eyes and deliver a point across.

Plus, titles can help your product rank up for competitive keywords.

In this blog post, we’ll break down how to write the best Amazon titles for your products, explain why they matter, and even go through an example together.

What is An Amazon Title?

Just to clarify, let’s talk about what an Amazon product title actually is.

Amazon product titles are one of the first things that customers see when browsing the site. They’re short descriptions of what the product is. They let customers know what they’re looking at and if it’s what they’re looking for.

Customers will always see the title of your product, it's like a headline encouraging them to click and learn more!

Why Does the Product Title Matter?

Having a good product title on Amazon is important because it tells customers what the product is and its key features. It plays a big role in their decision to buy your product.

But titles serve another function on the platform. Amazon’s search engine, Amazon A10, scans every product page to see if customers would be interested in the product. The product title is one of the things that A10 takes into account when deciding how to rank a product. A smart title will give your product some great real estate on Amazon’s search results page.

Having a great Amazon title will enable your product pages to:

  • Rank higher in search

  • Increase conversion rates

  • Tell potential customers everything they need to know

  • Promote brand awareness

  • Improve brand perception

  • Make more sales!

What Are the Amazon Title Guidelines?

Amazon actually has a few rules in place to ensure the safety and integrity of customers. It’s important that you follow these rules when writing product titles on Amazon so that your title actually appears live on-site.

  • Titles must follow the recommended length of 50-200 characters, including spaces

  • Titles are not allowed to contain promotional phrases, such as “free shipping”, “quality guaranteed”, or anything relating to Amazon

  • Titles can not contain decorative characters like ! * ; ^ and more

  • Titles must contain product-identifying information like “hard hat” or “water bottle”

  • No linking to other websites

Save this photo for reference whenever you’re writing titles:

Amazon title guidelines: Titles must follow the recommended length of 50-200 characters, including spaces Titles are not allowed to contain promotional phrases, such as “free shipping”, “quality guaranteed”, or anything relating to Amazon Titles can not contain decorative characters like ! * ; ^ and more Titles must contain product-identifying information like “hard hat” or “water bottle” No linking to other websites

There are other tips that you should follow that aren’t explicit rules.

What to Include (and Exclude) in Your Product Titles

While not rules that you are required to follow, these tips will help you write better titles. Keep this stuff in mind if you want to rank and convert.

Here are some things you should include in your titles:

  • Your brand’s name

  • Features

  • Type/Variant/Color (if part of a variation)

  • Quantity (if multiple)

  • Primary targeted keywords

  • Model number

  • Important specifications

There are also some things that should be left out of your titles:

  • Using all caps

  • Special characters (ampersands are okay if part of brand name)

  • Subjective statements (like claiming that your product is the best in its industry)

  • Typos can make your product page look unprofessional

  • Acronyms might confuse people who aren’t aware of all the industry terms

Tips for Writing the Perfect Amazon Title

These are some tips to keep in mind when writing your titles:

Use simple words. You need to get your point across. Including unnecessary fluff or industry terms might confuse buyers.

Include unique features. Your product might stand out from others and offer customers something that they won’t find in other products. Make sure to include that feature in the title.

Separate ideas with commas. Use commas to avoid confusing customers. Commas should separate ideas, features, and specifications.

Don’t be afraid to break grammar rules. While it’s important to be grammatically correct, sometimes you just need to break a rule or two. You’re not trying to get an A+ on an English paper, you’re trying to beat the algorithm.

Use numbers instead of words. For example, “5” is better than writing out “five”. This saves space and is easier to read.

Be concise. A title could only be up to 200 characters long, with spaces included. That’s not a lot of space. It’s important to be concise so that you can include as much as possible.

Make sure that important things are first. Include the most important information first since customers might not read the entire title. It’s key to deliver the most important messages even if they don’t read the whole title.

Write out measurements. For example, write out “pounds” instead of “lbs.”

Capitalize every word. Every Word Should Be Capitalized Like This. Except for words like for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so.

Don’t include unimportant information. If you have a lot of space left in your title, it might seem tempting to include more information. But if that information isn’t too helpful or won’t sway a buyer’s decision, then leave it out.

Let’s Write a Title Together

Now that you know all there is to know about writing Amazon titles, let’s try it. I’ve written titles for products that have made millions of dollars on the platform. Here’s my proven formula for success:

BRAND NAME, Model Number, Primary Keyword, Important Features, Variation-Specific Info

I know, I know. That might seem confusing. Let’s do an example for this product here:

A foldable table is in front of a pink background

We need to write an awesome product title for this table. Earlier I mentioned that we needed some key information before writing. Here’s what we needed:

Your brand’s name


Type/Variant/Color (if part of a variation)

Quantity (if multiple)

Primary targeted keywords

Model number

Important specifications

Let’s figure out the information for our product here. Which is not a real product, by the way. This is just a stock photo I found online for this example!

Your brand’s name: Let’s say that our brand’s name is Rosayo.

Features: Durable plastic, steady legs, easy foldability.

Type/Variant/Color (if part of a variation): For our example, let’s say we have different sizes.

Quantity (if multiple): We can skip this, it’s only one product.

Primary targeted keywords: Similar products on Amazon refer to this as a “folding table” so that can be our primary keyword. Our secondary keyword can be “portable table”. So we have “folding table” and “portable table”.

Model number: Let’s make it 0405.

Important specifications: Our table is 3 feet long and 1 foot wide. It stands at 4 feet tall.

So let’s put all this information together!

Our title might look something like this:

Rosayo 0405 Folding Table, Easily Foldable, Durable Plastic, Steady Legs, Portable Table for Backyard Parties, Events, and More, 3 Feet Long by 1 Foot Wide

We started off by listing our brand’s name with the product’s model number. We then went on to identify the product and include the primary keyword. After that we listed some key features that are attractive to a customer looking for something like this. We named some uses for SEO. Finally, we put the measurements, since in our hypothetical situation we have more than one size.

We can do a quick grammar and spelling check to see that everything looks good! It comes out to 155 characters which is below the 200 character maximum.


Writing Amazon titles might seem difficult at first. With careful research and consideration of your product, you can make great things happen. Soon enough, your product will be ranking and converting like never before!

Titles and bullets work together to make a product page that is seamless and effective. If you need help creating effective Amazon content, then let Rosayo help. We can make awesome content for your product pages to help you make more sales!



©2024 by Rosayo.

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