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  • Writer's pictureAdrian Gonzalez

4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog in 2021

There’s a famous saying in the marketing industry, “content is king”. This phrase comes from an essay written in 1996 by Bill Gates and published on the Microsoft website. He goes on to explain how producing high-quality content is going to be key to the growth of businesses on the web.

And of course—Bill Gates was right.

The stats prove it, too. Businesses that have blogs experience 126% higher lead growth than businesses that don’t. That’s just as insane as the fact that companies with blogs have 55% more website visitors.

Yet, some businesses are reluctant to start a blog. If your company falls into this category, then here are 4 reasons your business needs a blog.

1. It Drives Traffic to Your Site

Like, a lot of traffic. There are many reasons why blogging can drive traffic to your site, so let’s go over some of the main ones.

Blogs perform well on Google

Blogs are great for SEO (or search engine optimization), which means that they can show up on Google’s search results.

Why is this useful? Well, if your company works in the gardening industry, then you can optimize for search phrases related to gardening. If you just answer a question someone has, like “how to take care of sunflowers”, then that’s traffic for your website!

Even if it doesn’t directly result in a sale, it’s a click that’ll prove to Google that your website is reliable and relevant. In turn, all of your website’s pages will be boosted on Google’s search results.

Blogs are shareable content for marketing

If someone finds your blog post and likes it, they might send it to a friend or even repost it. This is great news for you because that’s just more clicks and more traffic.

Blogs are an endless opportunity for bringing in traffic and establishing a real online presence.

They’re an opportunity for backlinks

A backlink is when your post is linked on some website that isn’t yours. Backlinks are a key factor in SEO. So when another company links to your post or if someone reposts it on Twitter, then that’s great.

The amount of traffic a blog can bring your company is amazing.

2. Build Brand Loyalty

As I just explained, blog posts can pop up on Google and bring you traffic. If you’re answering questions that your target audience has, then you’re building brand loyalty.

80% of consumers trust the information they read from blogs. If your company’s post shows up on Google and answers their question, then you’re establishing a relationship before they even start looking for services or products. That’s a huge advantage over other companies that don’t blog.

3. Share Relevant Company News

If you have important company news to share, then you can blog about it. You can write about what developments or updates have been going on with your business and how they’ll benefit consumers.

Or if a potential customer is doing research on your business, a blog can be where they find the answers they’re looking for. It can even confirm their decision to buy from you.

4. Convert Readers into Customers/Clients

While a blog is best for bringing in traffic and boosting your site’s SEO performance, it can still be a bit of a sales tool.

Blog posts aren’t supposed to be a sales pitch. First and foremost, they’re supposed to offer value and be there for the consumer as a resource. But don’t shy away from trying to slightly sell yourself a bit. If done just right, you can motivate your readers to work with you.

Need Help Writing an Effective Business Blog? Let Rosayo Help

Bill Gates finished off that essay from 1996 with “No company is too small to participate”.

Blogs are an equal playing field. Small businesses can compete with huge corporations for the first page on Google search.

If you need help writing an effective business blog, then let Rosayo help.

Rosayo has written posts that show up as the top result on Google’s search and bring in a LOT of traffic.

Get a free quote today!

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